How do I calibrate my Cube?

It's important to keep your Cube properly calibrated to maintain optimum accuracy and consistency.

When do I need to calibrate?

Cube is designed with an in-built smart calibration feature.

This means that if you're using the Cube Companion App, for most applications you will only need to calibrate your Cube on first setup, and subsequently only when the Cube Companion App requests a re-calibration.

However, for highly color sensitive applications, you may wish to manually re-calibrate each time before using Cube, and regularly during use.

If you're using Cube Link, we recommend manually re-calibrating before each use. There is no automatic notification.

How do I calibrate Cube?

To calibrate your Cube, you'll need:

  • Your Cube!
  • Your Cube's calibration cap

Note: Each polyelastomer cap is matched to a specific Cube. Although you can interchange caps, this is not recommended and can sometimes lead to inaccurate calibration results.

The process of calibration will vary depending on what connecting software you are using:

Cube Companion App on iOS/Android

  1. Open Cube Companion App
  2. Place your Cube snugly in its calibration cap (make sure the Cube is firmly pressed into the cap)
  3. Tap the menu bar
  4. Tap "Calibrate Cube"
  5. When the progress bar runs to 100%, your Cube has been successfully calibrated

Cube Link

  1. Open Cube Link
  2. Connect your Cube to your computer using the included USB cable
  3. Turn on your Cube - after a few seconds the Cube Link logo should be "active"
  4. Click the "Calibrate" button
  5. Place your Cube snugly in its calibration cap (make sure the Cube is firmly pressed into the cap), then click "OK"
  6. Your Cube will now be calibrating. During this time the "Calibrate" button will be greyed out
  7. Once complete, the "Calibrate" button will switch back to active mode and Cube is now ready to use


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